I must sincerely apologize to the lovely faithful who read this blog for a severe absence....Life has been kicking me around and I have been developing stronger defenses.
At the moment I'm stuck in a bit of a weird place where I am actually earning money, but nowhere near enough to achieve a level of what I like to call 'peace and quiet'. One takes an awful lot for granted when living in the West. You don't have to own a car, you can afford a room somewhere within three hours of where you work (you don't need a house, or a driver, or a generator). Living in Nigeria as a young person in an unforgiving profession is expensive. It seems everyone and their goat would like to work for an oil company so that a modicum of independence can be afforded to them. As an unmarried female, who's parents are still in love and actually talking to each other (yes, broken marriages exist everywhere people), you realize two things:
1. You can make absolutely NO decisions where the direction of the tide in the family goes, from simple things like travel arrangements to bigger things like... oh let's move to the middle of nowhere so that I'll spend 4 hours plus in traffic everyday to get to work. (btw I am supposed to be studying for professional exams... more on that later) and,
2. It is very easy to be blamed for all the decisions that DO get taken because obviously, you poor singleton have to still be taken into consideration when these grand plans do occur.
As someone who has always had an independent streak, playing referee and mute at the same time is exhausting. Praying for silence is a daily task dears, a daily task. However, I have two holidays and potentially three holidays to look forward to this year :) considering I haven't been on one in two years plus, this is a very welcome addition to what may be a very exciting 2013...
and in other news.... Mark is coming to town again in 22 days, yikes and things are going very well. I keep pinching myself. For some unknown reason, he wants me to reach out to our old classmates so that we can 'meet up' as a couple... in my mind that is just inviting kerosene to a fire. We'll see
Oh, and I have been day dreaming about chocolate ofr 48 hours.... I don't want to get chubby again, heaven help me I work next to a patisserie!