Maybe it comes from being bullied for the formative years of my life, or maybe it comes from my ineffable personality, but there is some crap I will not take.
Our culture is one of deference. We defer to everyone who is older, we defer to males. The hierarchy goes thus...older male, older females, married men, married females, ALL men, then a single female. As a single, unmarried female I am clearly at the bottom rung on the ladder of people that should be taken seriously. I have, fortunately been allowed to mature outside the shores of this lovely land. And as such, I have taken for granted that my voice is important and should be heard. If I have an objection to something (NOTE not someone), I make my views clear. I lay them all out on the table so that there is no ambiguity about where I stand. Apparently according to the the males in my house, I might as well be a turd. Also, any airing of any view is seen as complete hostility. Kill me now, why don't you!!!!!!!!!
I give up. I am not giving up my voice by the way. I am not a child. I give up caring... cos clearly, me caring means that I am being emotional and I need to be told to calm down.
In other news, I need to give up the dark one, sigh. I am honorable (I keep telling myself).
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