Happy New Year!
For some reason I decided to watch the farce that is 40 days and 40 nights again. The first time I watched it I was 15 and in boarding school, and Josh Hartnett was the best thing to happen to female kind since well, Heath Ledger (may his soul rest in peace). This was just before Orlando Bloom took over as the reigning male heart throb extra-ordinaire. Man, I digress! sorry. The premise of the movie is that this chap is meant to go without sex or anything related to sex for the aforementioned period of time and just as he commits to this vow, he meets his love interest. (Cue dramatic music)
Why am I thinking about this fellow's problems.... well, I know that everyone and their dog is getting it on whenever they want and hopefully wearing a condom. This would be fine, but they also seem to always want to be sharing their exploits in one way or another with the rest of us, which is not fair or helpful. Some of us (and this number dwindles with every passing minute of the day) have vowed to wait for marriage (and before you ask, that includes oral sex....) I could go on and on about the responses I have had to endure when this little bit of information pops up in conversation, but I'll stick to a few instead:
Some are convinced it is due to my lack of opportunity (so, not true, come on, it would be easier for you to just call me ugly to my face!)
Some feel earnestly that I am broken or damaged somehow.... (maybe I am, but not due to lack of sexual activity, I can assure you).
Some are concerned that I will not know what to do when the time comes or that it won't be good (my response usually is, I am sure I don't know what I am missing, and I can assure you I will work extremely hard with my husband to make sure that it is good... I have always been an overachiever)
Some feel I am just trying to be holier than thou. (Trust me, I am not holy, I am not running around like Josh Hartnett seeing naked men everywhere lol, but I do agree with protecting yourself from unnecessary items that can and will turn you on... case in point, certain episodes of True Blood... my mind is twisted, I already said so)
I know I complained about this in an earlier post...'Celibacy and raining' but there is now a newish issue. When I wrote that post I was single and not attracted to anyone in particular. Well, Mark and I have resolved our differences for now (he didn't die and it's a long story for another day), and heaven help me I do think he's incredibly hot, sigh (fans herself cos it's warm all of a sudden), and funny, and kind and sexy and cute...
I'd better get back to studying, need all the distractions I can get.
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