So, after my major bust up with 'the idiot', he has done a major 360 and is super solicitous and nice. Joker, you have been placed in a secure box. I wish him well. On your way.
I have been working on my fitness and overall appearance of late. Wearing more daring colours, more daring necklines etc. The gradual weight loss has really helped. Portion control over NYSC and regular exercise. I haven't given up cake, and the instructor at the gym says that when I do that I will reach the promised land. I told her I dont want to be saved (crying emoji)!!!!!!!
Now down to the meat. So, looking so fab fab these past few days I have encouraged the affections of some people. This chap BBd me and we went on 5 dates. 5 consecutive dates over a ten day period. Forgive me for feeling like he was interested. Forgive me..... please. We enjoy each other's company, lots of flirting and hand holding and such. I am not the type to call/ demand calls every day (I am a busy girl dontcha know). Long story short cos I will have to change the title of this blog when I am finally in a relationship, he stands me up twice and does not feel the need to explain himself. So today is Tuesday and he stood me up on Friday. He did send a frantic text 'sorry!!!!' and that was it.
Obviously when my mum asks me about him I told her the above and she was dumbfounded. My mum is never silent. Particularly when it comes to me and dating/ the lack thereof. I thank you Dr JS for silencing my mother.
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