Monday, December 24, 2012

And here you'll find what's left of my itty bitty heart

I guess you can only call your heart broken if you actually gave it to someone.  Me, as the title of this blog indicates, is still a little way ways off from that.  Doesn't mean I'm not hurt, oh I'm hurt.
It has been a trying few days people.  I have been pulled and pushed to within the edge of my reasonable mind.  What happened? I hear you ask?  thanks for the consideration people... some of you would also remember that it is now a few days before Christmas and Mark should be changing my life and kissing me senseless every hour on the hour.
This is what happens when you get carried away... for no apparent reason whatsoever, in the year 2012 I have not heard a peep from him in three days.  I don't want to turn into one of those angry stalker girls by leaving him countless messages.
And so, I would like to thank him for his services to humanity.  I will not be making the same mistake twice.
Thankfully Christmas is about our Saviour's birth and hope coming into the world...
Bah Humbug everybody xxx

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The three C's

This post is inspired by the travails of a friend of mine who has managed to put herself in a very awkward position... details to come.
Girls are a funny breed, I must admit it. We are entirely unreasonable at the best of times and supposedly reasonable at the worst, and in affairs of love and the heart even the most reasonable of girls  can become utterly unhinged.
My friend happens to be training for iron women events at the moment... yes you heard me, iron woman. To the un-initiated, these are events that test your ability to swim, run and cycle... certain distances against other similarly minded mad people.  She also happens to be a kick-ass doctor and only 26.
So, how does a woman like this end up with a guy that is utterly emotionally unavailable?  Well, maybe you are wiser than I am.  I have spent all of this week talking her down from continuing her relationship with this fellow.  She even traveled to the other side of the world to move on from him.  All of a sudden he cannot live without her and misses her etc etc etc shoot me now!  I love the girl in question so obviously I want her to be free of this fellow and explore new and better things.
What was the problem?  The three Cs
 - Companionship
 - Chemistry
 - Compatibility
They had the first two but not the last one. According to her, you need all three for a relationship to thrive. The problem with monikers like the above is that every couple is different and fixing absolutes on human beings who are very complicated beings requires a level of faith that is well... serious!
Mark and I have had a few constructive arguments in the last few days which are mostly about compatibility.  I had to pause this post because there is a woman outside who is screaming at the top of her lungs.... she saying loud things in Ibo, and a group of people are trying to calm her down, Lagos for you...  I hope inspiration returns soon.

in other news... Mark is on a plane to LOS, now.... :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

How many yards...of husband material?

So, this is my response to a similar post on another website. Seeing as I am supposedly being swept off my feet by Mark. I know I'm not supposed to have a long list of pre-requisites for the man I am supposed to marry. The negotiable and the non- negotiable ones....
I am not fussy about race, but keen on a God fearing boy
I am not fussy about Nigerian ethnicity, but if he is Yoruba that would be a plus since my mother IS fussed
I am not concerned about height but if he were a wee bit taller that would be awesome
I don't have to support his football team but he'd better not be angry if Swansea beats his team silly
I am fussy about drugs, alcohol and nicotine
I am fussy about personal hygiene and unnecessary piercings
It would be nice if you had a good sense of humor but patience is more important
It would be awesome if he was not in the medical profession. My poverty does not need company
Dear Lord I realise this is a lot to ask but it would be great if when I saw him I couldn't think straight...

Right and in the real world I'm a little annoyed at Mark for going out drinking with his nameless, faceless mates and calling me whilst under the influence... Grrrrr

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nobody likes a happy Camper

So, in answer to Why my date did not Call back? Well, in His words, He was trying to make a relationship with someone Else get off The Ground As it were. I'm not upset, mostly because The phänomenon of having a back up is not new to me. Single People seem to Be casting their nets fairly widely These days in an effort to encompass all available options. He did not want to lead me On. Seriously, He Should have just Said so. I would have Supported His honesty.

Nö One likes a happy Camper so to prevent this from being my last post. We are t Minus 17 days Till Mark's arrival. Could this really Be it?