Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The promised Post V day post; Have you considered freezing your eggs?

Hello all,

I hope you survived enforced love day!  Update... he still hasn't called.  I made a meagre attempt at messaging him the following... 'I can take a hint, be good to yourself', and just parked my affections there. Thank the good Lord for the ladies at kickboxing... had a really good session on valentines day.  My brother even got me a box of chocolates.... :) . Bless him I think he must have been feeling sorry for me lol.

Now I have been examining myself for a while now and I figured that other than building a life with someone, one of the other major reasons I want a partner is to make babies.  Not sex... (which is lovely i'm told ), the actual kids part.  I tolerate other people's children.  Let me rephrase that, my friends make beautiful babies and I love them.... I have loved them since I was 21 and the first of my friends jumped ship on us, got married and had a baby.  She is now on her third.  I will be 29 soon and the biological clock is real!  I do not want to end up like those ladies who are running through dating someone just to end up marrying a stranger and getting summarily divorced.  Therefore, I am taking things, sort of into my own hands.  I have decided to start saving towards having my eggs harvested at 35.  Just a few kept away for safekeeping so that if I haven't met my life partner at that point, no biggy, I can continue to live my life, and hopefuly a life filled with serving my fellow man.

I realize that this must seem drastic, but you should humor me.... knowing that I want to do this has calmed me a lot!!!!! I am now, released from the pressure of meeting someone in 1 or 2 years whilst i'm moving country and doing a residency and having children immediately! All so that I can beat father time at a game he never looses.

Till next time, friends.  Oh and lest I forget... no more dating for me.  I'm not built for this sort of heartache.  Just gonna chill.

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